ECG 360 Assessment, Human Synergistics, Gallup Strengths, Hogan
A sound strategy is critical for a business’s success. The strategy needs to drive results. Additionally, it needs to be responsive and agile in a rapidly changing business environment. It needs to drive the creativity and innovation that will produce results in the long term.
Executive Central provides expert business strategy consultation combined with Executive Coaching support to assist your organisation in developing a sound strategy that meets the specific needs and is appropriately implemented, evaluated and modified to sustain results. Our business strategy consultants are skilled (with previous big four experience and expertise) at guiding and coaching business leaders to identify, work on and move past the challenges. During this process, we work with you to future-proof your organisation through sound strategic practice.
We have developed a comprehensive approach that identifies the factors that affect strategy development and implementation. Our consultants work closely with your organisation’s leaders, using facilitation, coaching, consultation and project management to address all relevant circumstances.
The scope of our expertise lies across organisational and program strategy, human resources and operational strategy.
In today’s fast-paced environment, organisations must engage the right transformative approach to create business operations that are nimble and resilient. From strategy through execution, Executive Central has the right solutions and consultants to assist your organisation.
Encompasses the following Key Strategic Elements:
Alignment of organisational structure
Leadership - communicating vision and driving to fruition
Systems to support and enable achievement of strategic goals
Culture that creates and maintains beneficial performance
Aligning and allocating resources
Understanding and monitoring the external environment.
Aligning and anchoring the Leadership Team around where the organisation stands at present (the starting point for transformation), engaging in constructive dialogue about the barriers to growth, forming consensus on the key opportunities and risks, and building a view of the team’s capability to deliver is the basis of this stage. It is vital to analyse the facts, interrogate existing strategic documents, research the competition, assess the fit-for-purpose of the organisational KPIs, and understand performance gaps and targets. We assess the current business situation through the lens of internal factors such as Leadership, Culture, Systems, Resources and Structure and consider the external environment through STEEPLE (PESTEL) Analysis and other such frameworks.
Once the current state is consolidated, and an understanding of the direction the organisation needs to take is clear, the next challenge is to set the strategic goals aligned to key planning horizons. The strategic goals should be balanced and consider what success looks like for all stakeholders. These goals are then aligned to the business plan through the setting of near term and medium-term objectives – these should be synchronised with budget forecasts and desired outcomes for the organisation. We work with stakeholders, typically through a workshop (or series of workshops), to define the future state – using guiding question techniques to help participants be clear on where they want to go and tie this into the 3-stage horizon planning framework.
With strategic goals, including short- and medium-term objectives, there is a need to start planning the journey (including, as appropriate, the engagement of stakeholders). The aim is to close the gap between the current state and the strategic goals. It’s essential at this stage to define who is responsible for deliverables and timelines. Before leaving this stage, there is a need to cross-check the organisation’s ability to execute based on priorities, resource capacity and fiscal/ operating environment constraints. We capture the key execution levers noted by participants and work together on identifying key focus areas, opportunities, strengths of the business and the initiatives (big ideas) that will guide the strategy in the form of an action plan.
Embedding the strategy and key KPIs into BAU and ensuring the business cycle is adjusted to review and monitor progression against the strategy is vital to ensure the goals remain front of mind. There is a need to devote time specifically to assessing the strategy’s progress – not just including this in operational meetings but making sure strategy meetings are planned and actioned. Recasting or reforecasting may be required periodically as the internal and external environments shift. Thought should be given to how strategy elements can be embedded in performance management, board reporting and business function planning. Alignment to the vision and mission must also be observed and maintained.
We can provide you with one of our standard plans for offsite strategy sessions that can be tailored to your needs and budget – including the use of creative partners as live scribes and illustrators to capture the moment in real time.
A crucial success factor for every organisation is its people. Having the right people with the right skills in the right jobs will help ensure the business is well-positioned in the market and able to perform to its potential. The need for a responsive workforce is more important than ever before. Therefore, managing talent and capability is a vital activity in today’s volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) workplace.
Leaders set strategy and drive culture, and developing capability at all levels helps organisations drive their business goals and future-proof their business. As the talent landscape continually shifts, it is key for organisations to build detailed profiles of their leaders, evaluate readiness to build an internal succession pipeline and develop customised talent advancement programs to further the learning and development of their employees.
Executive Central assists organisations in identifying, supporting and growing high potential talent. Our consultants assist in supporting your business to understand the capabilities needed and how to design tailored development programs to drive high-performance outcomes while at the same time helping people feel valued and motivated.
Taking a considered approach to garnering insights into your organisation, building a perspective of the capability needs and expectations across the business, and putting in place the frameworks and plans to mobilise for action will assist your organisation in implementing and executing sustainable growth strategies.
Understanding current capability gaps
Map your talent to the needs of your strategy
Define your future capability requirements
Build a framework for your leaders
Support you with implementation
During this phase we consider the external data trends for the business and its market and we look internally at the current capabilities of your business
During this phase we consider the broader organisational strategy and seek to understand the people implications – what roles, what level, what skills are needed etc and we combine this with the work from the discover phase to further understand the “gaps” in capability. This leads to the definition of broad capability groups that can be further analysed.
During this phase we work along-side you to define the various levels of the business (People Leader, Business Leader, Unit Leader etc) and start to drill down into the capability expectations of each level across the predefined set of capabilities. The result of this phase is a framework for deployment.
During this phase we work with you to consider the communication needs of the business and to help with developing the Talent Management Strategy that will drive the implementation of the framework and support action planning and investment.
During this stage there is a need to monitor the framework, to improve it in areas it is not getting buy-in and to most importantly, observe improvements in how people think, behave and react as leaders.
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It’s essential that ensure your workplace culture reflects your Diversity values, aligns outcomes to your business strategy and builds the capability of leaders to lead diverse, inclusive and agile teams.
Understanding your employee base’s diverse makeup and requirements is an essential step in designing impactful Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) programs.
We know that organisations with strong and effective diversity and inclusion focus will successfully navigate disruption and remain globally competitive and future-focused.
Our DEI consultants use best-practice leadership training, consulting and coaching methods that are proven to be more successful than traditional ‘training’ methods. They have extensive experience in the corporate, public, and non-profit sectors. With this experience, they bring a unique insight into the opportunities a diverse workforce provides and the strategies needed to execute a diversity and inclusion strategy and policy.
We offer practical and effective solutions that tap into Executive Central’s exclusive methodology for diversity and inclusion programs. Our diversity and inclusion solutions are goal and action-oriented and tailored to your organisation’s specific needs and its employees. We develop leaders who appreciate individual differences, use an agile management style, focus on outcomes, and foster a sense of belonging.
Encompasses the following Key Strategic Elements:
According to Jack Welch, “No company, small or large, can win over the long run without energised employees who believe in the mission and understand how to achieve it”. Therefore, starting with the strategy, we ask questions like “does your current culture support your strategy?” “will your current culture support your future strategy?” as well as “what is the culture you need to drive your future strategy forward and how different is it from today?”.
We can answer these questions by deploying an insightful survey across your organisation or defined cross-section (or by running focus groups) and then working with you through our Culture Improvement Methodology deployment.
Supported through data and available anecdotal information and insights, we can structure a way forward for your organisation by:
Our team of experts in culture analysis and performance are ready to support your next steps in your cultural journey.
Our values shape every action we take and decisions we make.
We’ll discuss your business and strategies and how we can partner to deliver effective solutions specific to your organisation.
Want to drop us a line? You can get in touch by filling out the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!